Yesterday's post ended with a teaser - why store the result of a function before returning it? The answer is (unsurprisingly, given the nature of this blog) to make it easier to access for a human. Specifically, when somebody (most often myself) is debugging a function that I have written, it's much nicer to be able to see the result of a function call immediately in the debugger or watch window, than having to step into the function and see what the result will be.
Today I'd like to post a response to Abhinaba Basu's The WOW factor in software. There are quite a few blogs that I'm reading at the moment, Abhinaba's being the most recent I've added to my list, and I'm enjoying reading it.
Abhinaba talks about the "nifty" features that turn good software into great software. Then he mentions
"the other category of software which doesn't work in first place and tries to be smart on top of it. There's nothing worse than this. You look at these in disgust and head over to the dumber but working competition."
Now the end-user doesn't care about how many hours a programmer has put into a project, lovingly crafting it, starting from an empty source file, and putting not just time, but pouring their heart and soul into a piece of software. The end-user doesn't care that the software is like one of the programmer's children. No, the end-user wants a piece of software that will do what he wants it to do, and won't crash, or loose his work. And Abhinaba is right when he says that the user will look at these in disgust and head over to the working competition. But I get the impression that the message is "get the thing working before adding the polish".
My point (I knew we'd get to it sooner or later) is that when a user sees this happen, they would assume that the programmer has been working on the nifty features to the detriment of the core functionality. But I don't think this is true.
Programmers don't like their creations to have bugs in them. The bugs are a poor reflection on themselves. They don't deliberately leave bugs in, add some sparkle and hope nobody notices the flaws. Software is released when the creator thinks it is ready. Unfortunately, the software isn't always ready and as we all know, bugs are always ready to rear their ugly heads, right when we least expect it.
In an ideal world, maybe all the core functionality would be written and tested, and there would still be budget for the extras. In reality, what often happens is once the core functionality is in, the product is shipped and we're off onto the next task. If features aren't evolved alongside the rest of the project, then they'll often fall by the wayside.
Recently I was writing a tool for drawing flow diagrams. Now basic functionality was there - lines could be drawn from one shape to the next. Straight lines. No routing. If you wanted to go around corners, you could add nodes - one at a time - to the line, and drag these nodes into the correct place. This was painstakingly slow, but it was functional - it provided all the functionality required to describe flows.
But then in my own time I spent a whole day putting in automatic routing for lines. Now lines will have a sensible number of nodes, in sensible positions, by default. This makes the tool a lot more natural to use. Is it required for core functionality? No - it's a feature. Is the software finished? No - there are still plenty of bugs to be ironed out and core work to be done. It's constantly being updated. But before I added automatic routing, it took ages to draw a flow. Now it takes minutes.
Shock! Horror! Working on features when there's still core work to be done! But if I hadn't written these features before the core work was finished, then they wouldn't have been added at all - it would have been time to move on.
If you want your software to stand out from the rest, you need the wow factor. If you want the features for wow factor, then you need to be working on them NOW. Otherwise, they'll be left behind - as will your software.
Thursday, 29 May 2008
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